Zero Waste, Cauliflower Leaf and Floret Kimchi

Cauliflower Leaf and Floret Kimchi

Kimchi is powerful stuff and an acquired taste, however it is certainly a taste worth acquiring… Fermented kimchi contains probiotics and good bacteria that support a good gut, in turn keeping our immune system in check. It is utterly delicious served as a condiment, fried with rice, in an omelette or added to a broth to […]

Five seasonal pickles made with abundant and affordable roots

seasonal pickles made with abundant and affordable roots

Originally published on You can pickle just about anything from apples to snails. Pickling is an enjoyable way to make the most of a seasonal ingredient or surplus of produce you may already have in your fridge. At my restaurant Poco in Stokes Croft we preserve an excess of produce by pickling it, saving […]