Zero Waste, Cauliflower Leaf and Floret Kimchi

Cauliflower Leaf and Floret Kimchi

Kimchi is powerful stuff and an acquired taste, however it is certainly a taste worth acquiring… Fermented kimchi contains probiotics and good bacteria that support a good gut, in turn keeping our immune system in check. It is utterly delicious served as a condiment, fried with rice, in an omelette or added to a broth to […]

Oysters: Smoked, Pickled, Ceviche’d

Oysters Smoked Pickled Ceviche’d

My friend Patricia Coplestone, a permaculture farmer in Dorset describes this time of year so well. With the tone of a sorceress she will say “Deepest darkest winter is upon us, the days are short and the weather harsh. I love the depths of winter and the solitude it brings.” Patricia works on the land […]